


Strength  is ...

Strength Description

1 to 10

11 to 20

21 to 30

31 to 40
41 to 50
51 to 60
61 to 70
71 to 80
81 to 90
91 to 100

The degree of difficulty describes the

Degree of Difficulty Description Example


Very Easy




40 Hard
50 Very Hard
60 Extremely hard
70 Difficult
80 Very Difficult
90 Extremely Difficult
100 Nearly Impossible



strength n 1: the property of being physically or mentally strong; "fatigue sapped his strength" [ant: weakness] 2: capability in terms of personnel and materiel; "we faced an army of great strength" [syn: military capability] 3: physical energy or intensity: "he hit with all the force he could muster"; "it was destroyed by the strength of the gale"; "a government has not the vitality and forcefulness of a living man" [syn: force, forcefulness]
Source: WordNet ® 1.6, © 1997 Princeton University


[ Accuracy ] [ Apperance ] [ Coordination ] [ Flexibility ] [ Physical Speed ] [ Physical Stamina ] [ Strength ]

11 February, 2000 (c) Brian Yap All rights reserved.

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